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DROP IN SPACE - survey
choose one of the steps below:
Was it the first time for you to be in this place?
Was the experience you had unusual?
Did you get in contact with other artists?
Were the artists you met local?
In case they were not, was it easy to communicate with them?
Did you plan any project for the future with the artists you met?
Did you artistically interact with the artists you met?
Could you fulfill the goals of the Drop in Space project?
Did this step changed your perspective of dance environment?
Will you develop any personal future dance research inspired by what you have experienced?
upo-load file
upo-load file
Please rate your overall experience of this step
upo-load file

Thanks for your survey!

Fill this last part of the survey over the whole project only one time

Are you satisfied with the whole project?
Would you start over again?
Do yoou think that, overall, the project got its goals?
upo-load file

Thanks for your survey!

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